A Weekend in Paris (Part 2 of 2)
I admit it. I’m not much of a museum guy. After an hour or two of walking through hallways, I tend to find my mind wandering. However, this was decidedly not the case for the two museums I visited in Paris last weekend. I dare say I had a marvelous time.
By the way, here’s Part 1 for our first two days in Paris.
Day 3 (November 2)
We started off our third day in Paris by going to the Atelier des Lumières, which is a name I don’t think I could pronounce even if I spent the next three months practicing. It was an exhibition where art was blown up to gigantic proportions on the walls of an otherwise unlit room. Musical accompaniment added to the intrigue.
While I’ve included some pictures in this blog post, I highly recommend you watch the videos I took. Do it. Really, you should do it.
After the exhibit, which you should definitely see if you’re in Paris, we strolled through Luxembourg Gardens. Finding some Spanish-speakers, I was able to prove less useless than usual by actually speaking a foreign language. My French is somewhere between non-existent and…well, actually, it’s just nonexistent.
Day 4 (November 3)
Alas, the weekend came to a close. But not before we went to the Louvre! We saw the special Leonardo da Vinci exhibit, which was quite nice.
The Last Supper was the clear favorite. The complexity is extraordinary. The massive painting has hidden meanings and symbolism.
What I didn’t expect, however, was that I would realize I’m actually a descendant of one of the apostles. Can you guess which one?
You learn something new every day.